If you are like so many American's, each week you go to church, worship God, listen to a sermon, all the while
wondering if God is going to ever show up. Wondering if anything is going to change for the better.
Honestly, this is a stark reality for most people who attend church today. Pastors and Church leaders quite often
are making excuses as to why God isn't performing miracles any longer. He is I walk in the miraculous.
May I be blunt with you? I shepherd a church of completely sold out Christians who love God, Jesus, and Holy
Spirit with all they have. And guess what? Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit show up every time we come together
In this book, I have shared how our church overcame the dead church syndrome to encountering miracles, healing,
and actual Words from our Savior every week.
Truly, this list is could go on and on
Every dead church has people in it who ask these questions...
Where's the Power of God todayHow come we don't see healingWhen is worship going to be overHow come our Pastor preaches so longWhen is God going to answer my prayersScroll up and order this book nowGet ready to watch your life change, and hopefully, you will teach others what you've learned
in this book
Pastor Jeff