A whimsical comedy that tells the interconnected stories of a group of strangers in LA and the havoc they cause in each other's lives.
Legendary horror writer-producer-director William Castle (The Tingler, I Saw What You Did, Rosemary's Baby) presents a creeping, crawling film nightmare that will have you screaming and squirming with fright! A massive earth tremor opens a deep crevasse in the California desert,...
Legendary horror writer-producer-director William Castle (The Tingler, I Saw What You Did, Rosemary's Baby) presents a creeping, crawling film nightmare that will have you screaming and squirming with fright! A massive earth tremor opens a deep crevasse in the California desert,...
A whimsical comedy that tells the interconnected stories of a group of strangers in LA and the havoc they cause in each other's lives.