Those who die at their own hands can be trusted to the "infinite understanding and compassion" of God. -- Fr. Ron Rolheiser
This book offers hope and healing to those who have experienced the loss of a loved one or anyone trying to understand suicide. --Daniel S. Mulhall, Catholic News Service
Emotional depression leading to suicide can work the same way. Sometimes a person can be treated so that, in effect, they are cured; sometimes they can't ever really be cured, but can be treated in a way that they can live with the disease for their whole life; and sometimes, just as with certain kinds of cancer, the disease is untreatable, unstoppable, and no intervention by anyone or anything can halt its advance - it eventually kills the person and there is nothing anyone can do. Thus, Ronald Rolheiser begins this small, powerful book.
With chapters also on "Removing the Taboo," "Despair as Weakness Rather than Sin," "Reclaiming the Memory of Our Loved One," and "The Pain of the Ones Left Behind," Fr. Rolheiser offers hope and a new way of understanding death by suicide.