From a beloved master of crime fiction, Bright Orange for the Shroud is one of many classic novels featuring Travis McGee, the hard-boiled detective who lives on a houseboat. Travis McGee is looking forward to a "slob summer," spending his days as far away from danger as possible...
"McGee has become part of our national fabric." SEATTLE POST INTELLIGENCER Usually women came to take refuge aboard The Busted Flush. But this time a man stumbled on board, a walking zombie who fell into bed. Turned out poor Arthur Wilkinson was the latest victim of a fragile-looking...
"McGee has become part of our national fabric." SEATTLE POST INTELLIGENCER Usually women came to take refuge aboard The Busted Flush. But this time a man stumbled on board, a walking zombie who fell into bed. Turned out poor Arthur Wilkinson was the latest victim of a fragile-looking...