The question was, would she be the victim of itching powder on the toilet roll?
As a youngster, why did I trash library books for fun?
Will the Friday Boys survive the 20-foot waves of the monstrous river Wye?
In my 57 years, I have survived my parents marriage, my parents divorcing, death and adoption.
I have spent 30 years plus, pimping barristers out and pumping up their egos'.
I've played most ball sports there is, taught strange folk to drive cars, sold houses and delivered rabbits and hamsters all over the UK
I will introduce you to the world renowned Friday Boys too.
Now if that's not exciting, what is?
I am an ordinary chap who has been lucky to travel to far-flung places and lived to tell the tale.
I hope you find this book humourous, informative and a joy to read.
If you do enjoy this book half as much as I've lived it, we will both be very happy.