The long-awaited sequel to Inside Out came out last June. Protagonist Riley is thirteen now and four more big emotions have joined Headquarters. Read on to learn more about the movie and get in touch with all the feels with our roundup of kids' books related to every emotion in Inside Out 2.
ThriftBooks, through our ThriftBooks Cares program, has always prioritized donating books into communities across the country. Today, Giving Tuesday, is a day where we more publicly share our community involvement and impact and allow all of our customers to be a part of it as well.
For many of us Earth Day is a holiday that might involve a hike in our favorite state park or a visit to a nearby beach. But in the time of Covid-19, this may not be possible. If you're feeling housebound and looking for a way to experience nature, here are some great earthy reads for all ages.
Okay, maybe we can’t eliminate censorship (yet...#goals), but we can celebrate Banned Books Week with gusto by reading all of the stories that someone (or someones) tried to silence, destroy, or restrict access to. Here are 50 of the most frequently banned and/or most recently challenged books, along with the "who, why, and how" of literary censorship in America.