In this poignant and evocative novel by acclaimed author Kristina McMorris, a country is plunged into conflict and suspicion--forcing a young woman to find her place in a volatile world. Los Angeles, 1941. Violinist Maddie Kern's life seemed destined to unfold with the...
An impeccably researched and beautifully written novel about a California marriage threatened by the Japanese internments of WWII (Karen White, New York Times-bestselling author of The Sound of Glass). Los Angeles, 1941. Violinist Maddie Kern's life seemed destined to unfold...
An impeccably researched and beautifully written novel about a California marriage threatened by the Japanese internments of WWII (Karen White, New York Times-bestselling author of The Sound of Glass). Los Angeles, 1941. Violinist Maddie Kern's life seemed destined to unfold...