Following a terrifying encounter in the quiet English countryside, a young woman flees to New York in search of a new life. When a dark figure from her past vows to destroy her and her family, this woman is determined to do everything to keep them all safe.
Following a terrifying encounter in the quiet English countryside, a young woman flees to New York in search of a new life. Adopting the initial M as her name, and reinventing herself, she embarks on a journey that will lead her to the catwalks of Paris, where she becomes...
Following a terrifying encounter, a beautiful young woman flees her quiet English countryside in search of a new life. She adopts the initial M as her name and embarks on a journey that will lead her onto the catwalks of Paris to New York, where she meets and soon marries a handsome...
Following a terrifying encounter, a beautiful young woman flees her quiet English countryside in search of a new life. She adopts the initial M as her name and embarks on a journey that will lead her onto the catwalks of Paris to New York, where she meets and soon marries a handsome...