Legs are for stepping; Iman's wheels are for going. For when she left Syria one thing she was missing. Now she's in Canada it needs some adjusting. With or without it, she never stops going.
The Branches Of The Vine series was created with the likeness of diversity in mind. No child should be left out because of their disability or special needs, neither should they be made to feel different from those around them in any negative way. The author Shanice Solan would like to bring awareness to children and parents who may encounter others with physical disabilities and or medical needs like the ones in this book's series. Some eat different from others, talk different from others, see, hear, play, walk, understand and move around different from others; But just like you and just like me, we have our own unique differences that make us who we are today. The Branches Of The Vine series dares you, to embrace that thing that makes you different. Be bold, wear that disability and or that special needs like it is the CAPE of your very own superhero.