Heart disease claims more American lives than any other illness and is the number one cause of death for women. World-renowned health pioneers Paul Bragg and Patricia Bragg teach time-tested, proven strategies for healing and maintaining a healthy heart for a long, active life In a world filled with technological wizardry and products, the human heart still outperforms them all. That is -- if that human heart is kept healthy. That is what the trailblazers Paul Bragg and Patricia Bragg have done in this book, sharing simple suggestions for life-style changes, nutritional support and exercises that will keep this most miraculous machine, your body, healthy and strong. You will learn how the heart works and how and why coronary disease is preventable and reversible. The authors provide an easy-to-follow blueprint for heart health that includes stress-release tech-niques, affirming that a positive mental outlook on life is a major element of heart health. The Braggs are legendary in the field of nutrition and health, and this newly revised and edited edition is a foundation of the Bragg Healthy Lifestyle. It is one of the most comprehensive heart health books on the market today.