This is a family guide to collecting rocks, minerals, gemstones, and crystals! This book serves as both a personal catalogue of our own collection as well as something that we hope others will enjoy or find useful.
Each entry page has mineralogical information that may be further illuminated in the indexes at the end of the book. There is also an index of healing properties and references for metaphysical uses for rocks and crystals. While this aspect of the guide is in no way scientific in basis, we believe the information should be available for those who wish to consider the many possible benefits.
This book is unique in that it combines an in-depth look at both the geological data about rocks and also the metaphysics of crystal healing. Presented within these pages is information that we hope will stimulate thought using both sides of the brain; the logical, analytical, left hemisphere, and the creative and intuitive right hemisphere. It is written to reach the interests of both adults and children, professionals and amateurs, and to help all in the exploration of our natural world and its many wonders.
The color photographs that accompany each listing in this book are of specimens from our personal, family collection.