Former small-town sheriff Cork O'Connor leads a desperate search-and-rescue mission into the unforgiving Minnesota wilderness in this "gritty, bloody adventure" (Publishers Weekly) from critically acclaimed author William Kent Krueger's award-winning mystery series...
Former small-town sheriff Cork O'Connor leads a desperate search-and-rescue mission into the unforgiving Minnesota wilderness in this "gritty, bloody adventure" ( Publishers Weekly ) from critically acclaimed author William Kent Krueger's award-winning mystery series. The Quetico-Superior...
The Quetico-Superior Wilderness: more than two million acres of forest, white-water rapids, and uncharted islands on the Canadian/American border. Somewhere in the heart of this unforgiving territory, a young woman named Shiloh -- a country-western singer at the height of her...
Cork O'Connor, the hero of Iron Lake, is called upon to help locate a woman lost in the Quentico-Superior Wilderness on the Canada/Minnesota border. While he, FBI agents, and the woman's father hit the trail to find her, other men are out to kill her.