Soon after Judy Dinard joined the team at Bound to Succeed Logistics as their sales representative, she discovered that she would have to perform all sorts of sexual favours for her boss and the clients. At 36, Judy was a stay-at-home housewife with two children who had left school and were now at university, so she was bored until she applied for the job at Bound to Succeed Logistice. After the first week, she discovered that she loved being tied up and abused, and she was looking forward to seeing what the next week would bring.
In this book, Judy discovers the sting of the cane while she is tied to a chair, a desk, and a trestle, not just on her bottom. She discovers that she loves being tied up and helpless, even though the cane can hurt badly. This week, her relationship with her husband deteriorates, and when she asks him to spank her, he just rolls over and goes to sleep.