The two Great Houses with their singular destiny, and bound by the rose, have seen a fragile peace since the death of the Evil Queen, Lady Astra White, and her war to rule the realm. The Wolves, once secret ally to her, and bound to her will by use of the Bloodstone, have become scattered to the winds after the defeat of their own God-Queen.
Now there are forces that stir upon the realm and threaten to tear apart that fragile peace. Wolves grow in number once more to threaten the realm, and a power, much like the Evil Queen's, uses the Dark Fairy to pull at the invisible strings that bind the Houses together.
As the House of Red falls, it is up to Marguerite "Snow" White, last heir to the House of White, to save the fate of the two roses, if she can, or watch the realm will crumble at her feet. The destiny of the two roses will at last be decided.