Students in grades 6-12 assume the roles of authors of classic literature and characters from their books, as well as of storytellers who react to the subject matter and clarify the times. Excerpted and paraphrased passages from the books provide the flavor of the featured works. In contrast to Classic Readers Theatre for Young Adults (Barchers and Kroll), this collection focuses on the lives of the authors.
Students in grades 6-12 assume the roles of authors of classic literature, characters from the books, and storytellers. Through the dialogue, the audience will have a glimpse into the life of the author and reactions and thoughts of the characters. The storytellers assume a contemporary voice to react and clarify the times, while passages from the books are paraphrased or woven into the play to provide a flavor of the literature class. In contrast to Classic Readers Theatre for Young Adults (Barchers and Kroll), this focuses on the lives of the authors.Related Subjects
Language Arts