Larry McMurtry returns to the Old West in a fast-moving, comic tale about a woman determined to conquer anything that stands in the way of an ultimate confrontation with her wayward husband.In his first historical novel in ten years, Larry McMurtry introduces Mary Margaret, a...
In the Missouri town of Boone's Lick, a colorful cast of characters stands on the edge of the Western frontier ready to push west to Fort Phil Kearny in Wyoming.
A mix of popular genres from top-selling American authors. Readers will relish themes of love, glamour, politics, perseverance, resilience, innovation and the pioneer spirit from some of the best-loved writers of modern fiction, nonfiction and biography.This enthralling tale...
Boone's Lick is Pulitzer Prize-winning author Larry McMurtry's return to the kind of story that made him famous -- an enthralling tale of the nineteenth-century west. Like his bestsellers Lonesome Dove, Streets of Laredo, Comanche Moon, and Dead Man's Walk, Boone's Lick transports...
A mix of popular genres from top-selling American authors. Readers will relish themes of love, glamour, politics, perseverance, resilience, innovation and the pioneer spirit from some of the best-loved writers of modern fiction, nonfiction and biography.This enthralling tale...