This small volume is a tribute to Robert John Mutton, universally known as Bob. His father, Eric John Mutton, self-published his memoirs in 2002. These were republished in 2012 and again in 2021. The last volume was an expanded Centenary Edition on the occasion of what would have been his 100th birthday. The previous year, we published a similar, albeit smaller edition for our mother, Irene Emily Louise Mutton. 2020 would have been her 100th birthday.
Bob was born in 1947, so 2022 marked what would have been his 75th birthday. That year also marked 45 years since his passing, in Sydney, in 1977. For the benefit of family members and perhaps some old friends, this book presents the abbreviated story of his all-too-short life.
It is fortunate that Eric did compile his memoirs, as Bob's early years might otherwise remain unknown to most people. We, his surviving brothers, were eight and 14 years younger. Our memories of Bob are therefore constrained by this timeframe.