What's more inspiring than empowered girls who appreciate and protect the environment? From the Founder of Board Girls for Good comes the first book in the Board Girls Series, "Board Girls on the Ocean."
A thrilling story of fearlessness, activism, and adventure in Mexico! Wrapped in the beauty and excitement of the sea, the book inspires readers to try new things, do what's right, dream big, work hard, play hard, and protect the environment around them. That's the Board Girl's Motto!
Board sports are exploding in popularity and the recent Olympic Games introduced both surfing and skateboarding as newly added competitive sports, further inspiring girls all over the world to catch new waves and reach new heights.
Girls (6-12) will be empowered to develop their own sense of adventure and fearlessness through this inspiring story. Book proceeds will be shared with relevant non profit organizations and for every book sold, a new mangrove tree will be planted! Board Girls and Mangrove trees both have the power to reverse climate change!
Board girls are never Bored!