In the heart of Borneo, a group of dedicated volunteers embarks on a journey to save the endangered orangutans. What begins as a noble mission quickly spirals into a nightmare. The dark mystery of twelve missing volunteers is revealed by a collection of battered diaries.
Team leaders Tara and Rendy must protect their remote camp against ruthless outlaws, freak weather and failing supplies. They soon suspect that the greatest danger is among them: one person with a savage bloodlust.
Alexander Lane's masterful storytelling blends tension, mystery, and fear, drawing readers into an immersive nightmare where every rustle of leaves could mean danger. Will you survive the horrors of Blood River?
IN THIS SECOND EDITION: Alongside great new cover artwork, this second edition of Blood River comes with a preview of the new Nightmare Vacations novel: Blood Point. Folklore meets contemporary horror as an Irish escape becomes a Midsummer Night's terror.
What readers have said about Blood River:"I was totally hooked...recommended "
"I was so enthralled in the story I finished this right away."
"This book was OMG good "
"I was hoping for gore and was not disappointed."
"I will definitely be looking out for more titles by this talented author."