In recent years, high blood pressure has been diagnosed in people of all ages, and before hypertension was found mainly in older people. Recently, new official blood pressure standards have been published in the United States. An updated guide for cardiologists has lowered the pressure threshold, now pressure above 130/80 will be considered elevated.
High blood pressure leads to congestion in the heart, and the likelihood of a stroke increases significantly. Constant exposure to high blood pressure reduces the degree of elasticity of blood vessels, their walls become thinner. The small and large circle of blood circulation is disturbed due to the fact that the heart cannot cope with the increased load. As a result, numerous complications arise that can cause death.
If high blood pressure is detected, you need to take this problem under control. To obtain accurate data on fluctuations in blood pressure figures, it is necessary to measure it at least three times a day: the first time - in the morning, one hour after sleep, the second time - in the middle of the day, 1-1.5 hours after a meal, the third time - in the evening, 1-1.5 hours after eating. Note that the pressure difference is 10-15 mmHg. On different hands is the norm.
To learn more on how you can effectively control your blood pressure, get a copy of this book now
About the Author
Nicholas Tyler is a health practitioner who has a passion for quality healthcare delivery. He has worked in the healthcare department for several years with vast experience in healthcare delivery services.
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