"The best vampire young adult novel since Twilight...and maybe even prior to it " George R. King
"This is what happens when a 30-year-old man sits down to write a young adult book about vampires. It's dark, intriguing, and even funny." Judy Greer
"This book should be turned into the next Netflix big hit It has everything you need: from cool characters and fights to a touching romantic story." Stephen M. Knight
"Puberty S U C K S. Combine it with turning into a freaking bloodsucker, and you're completely screwed. Running away from home, killing my best friend, joining a secret Order, falling out with my dad - с'mon, Universe, give me a break Oh right, I've also learned some martial arts and weapon handling skills, met my true love (spoiler alert - she's out of this world ), and finally discovered the joys of sex. To top it all off, my new friends and I had to take on a nefarious organization trying to enslave the human race. Now that's what I call growing up rough Hi, I'm Sam, and my life is kinda crazy."
BLOOD BLACK is a young adult vampire novel with a contemporary urban setting and a dark ending. It is laced with humor and touches on a number of universal themes (friendship, first sex, first true love, father-son relationships, making the right decisions, overcoming your fears, etc.), all woven into hard-boiled action full of fights, chases, shootouts, and blood. Make vampires great again