Have you ever wondered what lives at the bottom of the sea? This is a story of what happens when one of the blobs from under the deep blue sea comes out and meets children. Will the children treat this blob humanly? Will they have to fight for the rights of this blob? Read this book by a young writer to find out. Each page is translated into each language side by side as you read the story. Read below to see the first page as follows:
Hola, mi nombre es Blobby Einstein Jr. Soy un blob. Soy un blob que le gusta sentarse cerca de volcanes que est?n por hacer erupci?n. En el d?a soy de color rosado. En la noche soy de color verde neon. Soy resistente al fuego y muy brillante. Me gusta nadar pero no tengo brazos, ni piernas, por lo que floto. A veces, mientras me muevo, parte de mi se desprende en forma de gelatina pegajosa. Pero no se preocupen, todo me vuelve a crecer en un minuto.
Hi, my name is Blobby Einstein Jr. I am a blob. I am a blob that likes to sit near volcanoes that are about to erupt. When it's day I am pink. When it's night I am neon green. I am fireproof and very shiny. I like to swim but I have no arms, or legs, so, I float. Sometimes while I move, slime falls off of me. But don't worry, it all grows back in a minute.