In the distant future, Earth is no more. Communities of Latines aboard a space colony called Justice is all that remains of the human race. Under merciless rule and heavy control, they live in poverty, tirelessly working to please their rulers in the Citadel.
None have ever questioned their place in Justice.
Then, a cataclysmic event tears Justice apart. Within seconds, the population is decimated. In the wake of the destruction, what survivors remain find themselves to be left blind- except for a young man named Beto. He is left with unanswered questions regarding the cause for Justice's collapse, if the damage can be undone, and if there is any hope left for the human race to continue on. Beto soon comes to realize that the cause of the blindness has left great terrors for him to discover and defeat, both in the darkness of space and the darkness within.
In blindness, a clearer vision of Justice waits to be discovered.