This coming-of-age classic from "one of the nation's foremost Chicano literary artists" follows a young boy as he questions his faith and beliefs after a curandera woman introduces herbs and magic into his life (Denver Post) . .Antonio Marez is six years...
Full of "sensual dreams and] unexplained phenomena," this "best-known and most-respected" coming-of-age classic from the godfather of Chicano literature follows a young boy growing up in the llano, or plains, of post-World War II New Mexico, and the generous curandera who...
This coming-of-age classic from "one of the nation's foremost Chicano literary artists" follows a young boy as he questions his faith and beliefs after a curandera woman introduces herbs and magic into his life (Denver Post) . Antonio Marez is six years...
A collectible hardcover 50th-anniversary edition of the bestselling Chicano novel of all time, featuring a new foreword by Erika L. S nchez, the New York Times bestselling author of I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter One of America's 100 Most-Loved...
When a curandera comes to stay with a young boy, he tests the bonds that tie him to his culture and finds himself in the secrets of the past.
Full of "sensual dreams and] unexplained phenomena," this "best-known and most-respected" coming-of-age classic from the godfather of Chicano literature follows a young boy growing up in the llano, or plains, of post-World War II New Mexico, and the generous curandera who...
The author of Alburquerque presents the story of young Antonio Marez, who has been raised under the protective wing of a mystic and herbal healer and seeks out his family heritage while learning the secrets of his mentor.
The author of "Alburquerque" presents the story of young Antonio Marez, who has been raised under the protective wing of a mystic and herbal healer and seeks out his family heritage while learning the secrets of his mentor.
When a curandera comes to stay with a young boy, he tests the bonds that tie him to his culture and finds himself in the secrets of the past.