Dave Naughton's laid-back attitude has cost him two sports writing jobs. Fear of commitment and uncertainty may cost him a whole lot more where his personal life is concerned. He's summoned home to face his father, the owner of the family business and the one man he really doesn't want to disappoint. Before the showdown gets underway, Steve Naughton collapses and is taken to the hospital with a serious and frightening ailment. Carys Connelly knows what she wants and goes after it. When the pretty nurse decides she wants Dave, he's not sure what to think. Taking matters into her own hands, she wrangles a job as his father's home health nurse to be closer to Dave. Will she have to whack him over the head before he realizes she might be the best thing that's ever happened to him? "Kiss me until I can't see straight. If we're tired tomorrow, we'll blame it on the sun."
"I love this author's books and how she writes. Makes you lose track of how much time you've spent reading. Always hard to put down her books. Can't wait for the next one to come out!" Lisa M.