The film starts with footage from Gone with the Wind (1939) of wounded Confederate soldiers lying in the streets of Atlanta, Georgia which transitions to a black-and-white PSA, 4] where a man (named as Dr. Kennebrew Beauregard) comically fumbles a hate-filled screed decrying minorities. 5] The film then jumps to the central plot.In 1972, Ron Stallworth is hired as the first black officer in the Colorado Springs Police Department. Assigned to work in the records room, he faces racial discrimination from his coworkers. After he requests a transfer to undercover work, he is assigned to infiltrate a local rally where national civil rights leader Kwame Ture (a.k.a. Stokely Carmichael) gives a speech. At the rally, Stallworth meets Patrice Dumas, president of the Black Student Union at Colorado College. While she takes Ture to his hotel, Patrice is stopped by patrolman Andy Landers, a racist officer in Stallworth's precinct, who threatens Ture and gropes Patrice.