Albert Payson Terhune (December 21, 1872 - February 18, 1942) was an American author, dog breeder, and journalist. The public knows him best for his novels relating the adventures of his beloved collies and as a breeder of collies at his Sunnybank Kennels, the lines of which...
Black Caesar's Clan: A Florida Mystery Story is a novel written by Albert Payson Terhune and first published in 1922. The story is set in Florida and revolves around a wealthy and influential family, the Van Rensselaers, who have a dark past involving the infamous pirate Black...
Black Caesar's Clan: A Florida Mystery Story is a novel written by Albert Payson Terhune and first published in 1922. The story is set in the early 20th century in Florida and follows the adventures of a young man named Lance Courtenay, who inherits a large estate from his uncle...
"Black Caesar's Clan" from Albert Payson Terhune. American author, dog breeder, and journalist (1872-1942).
Black Caesar's Clan: A Florida Mystery Story is a novel written by Albert Payson Terhune and published in 1922. The book is set in the early 20th century in Florida and follows the story of two young men, Lance and Hal, who become embroiled in a mystery involving a notorious...
Black Caesar's Clan is a mystery novel written by Albert Payson Terhune and published in 1922. The story is set in Florida and follows the investigation of a series of murders that occur in a small town. The main character, a detective named Kent, is called in to solve the case...
Black Caesar's Clan is a novel written by Albert Payson Terhune. The story revolves around a young man named Bruce Duncan who inherits a vast estate in Florida. The estate is located near the Everglades and is home to a group of Seminole Indians who have been living there for...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...
Albert Payson Terhune (December 21, 1872 - February 18, 1942) was an American author, dog breeder, and journalist. He was popular for his novels relating the adventures of his beloved collies and as a breeder of collies at his Sunnybank Kennels, the lines of which still exist...
black caesars clan From Albert Payson Terhune
Black Caesar's Clan is a novel by Albert Payson Terhune that tells the story of the bond between a man and his dog. The main character, Bruce Duncan, is a wealthy businessman who rescues a black Newfoundland dog named Caesar from a group of cruel boys. Bruce and Caesar form an...
Overhead sang the steady trade wind, tempering the golden sunshine's heat. To eastward, under an incredibly blue sky, stretched the more incredibly multi-hued waters of Biscayne Bay, the snow-white wonder-city of Miami dreaming on its shores.Dividing the residence and business...