Years ago, engineers would often roll their own microprocessor through bit-slice microprocessor components and their accessories. This is how the custom design of a microprocessor was often affordably accomplished. Bit-slice microprocessor design as it is detailed in this book has long been obsolete, however the design concepts and techniques on display here involving sequential design will never go out of style. They are still employed in the computer architectures of today, it is just that the designs are not accomplished with the integrated circuits and the discrete logic that is shown in this book. Designs and even logic equations and truth tables are all shown in great detail. I would especially encourage you to look this book over if you are a student of computer architecture, as many of the techniques that you read about in modern textbooks are detailed in this book's chapters. Especially good are the sections on instruction set design and how an instruction word interacts with actual hardware and the section on interrupts.
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