Birthright (1922) is a novel by T.S. Stribling. Originally serialized in Century Magazine, the novel marked a major departure for Stribling, whose previous works had avoided serious themes altogether. Birthright was praised by black and white critics upon publication, and allowed Stribling to move his career away from genre fiction and into the pressing historical and social questions of his time. Peter is a young man with a powerful vision. After graduating from Harvard, he returns to his hometown of Hooker's Bend, Tennessee, where he gains a new understanding of the prejudices and laws that shaped his upbringing. Born into a family of mixed racial heritage, Peter has long understood the necessity of passing, which allows him to avoid violence and to further his personal interests. Back in the South, however, he realizes that his experiences as a student have granted him an opportunity to change his community for the better. As he attempts to educate members of the local black and white communities, his hope for the future soon turns to doubt and disillusionment. Birthright, a triumphant and tragic story of race in America, was adapted by pioneering director Oscar Micheaux into a 1924 silent film and a 1939 talkie of the same name. With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of T.S. Stribling's Birthright is a classic of American literature reimagined for modern readers.