This classic bird stories text by Edith Patch tells a number of interesting fictitious tales of bird lives. Included in the avian lineup are stories about a diverse set of bird species such as the crow and the osprey. In addition to Patch's quaint tales of avian adventure are...
"True stories that read like fairy tales." Dedicated to Junior Audubon classes and all other boys and girls throughout the land who are friendly to birds. Every child who reads this book will become a bird conservationist. It is written with scientific accuracy and is provided...
Edith Marion Patch was an American entomologist and writer. Born in Worcester, Massachusetts, she received a degree from the University of Minnesota in 1901 and originally embarked on a career as an English teacher before receiving the opportunity to organize the entomology department...
Bird Stories is a collection of short stories written by Edith Marion Patch and first published in 1921. The book contains tales about various species of birds, including robins, blue jays, swallows, and wrens, among others. Each story is a unique and engaging narrative that...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
Bird Stories is a collection of short stories written by Edith Marion Patch and published in 1921. The book is a charming and educational look at the lives of birds, and it is aimed at both children and adults who have an interest in nature and wildlife. The stories are written...