Leslie Patricelli's books are sheer genius. They are a delight for parent and child alike. She has raised the sketch to an art form, somehow managing to convey perfectly through her squiggles and stick legs the stance, comportment, and moods of a toddler. Her drawings remind me of Charles Schulz's Peanuts cartoons when he was at the height of his powers. We first borrowed this book from the library. Patricelli's premise is...
We started reading board books to our son when he was just a few months old. Binky was one of his first books and quickly became his favorite. We now own all of the books in the series, (Quiet Loud is our favorite next to Binky). We've bought Binky for other children and it's quickly become their favorite as well. Our son now knows the Binky story by heart, talks back to the main character and lights up whenever you mention...
My 2-year old is really into Leslie Patricelli's books right now. He loves this one and almost has it memorized word for word. The character is so cute and so much like my son. He really relates to this one and still laughs everytime we read it. I can't wait for more from this author.
My son loves this baby character from Leslie Patricelli's other books. In this one, the baby can't find his binky (a common scenario around our house!). He proceeds to look for his binky in all sorts of places, like his cereal (which he dumps out) and his potty. It makes my son laugh. He loves when the baby finally finds his binky in the end.