Acclaimed, New York Times best-selling author Tom Angleberger delivers a captivating retelling of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi like you've never experienced before, infusing the iconic, classic tale of good versus evil with a unique perspective and narrative...
It's the Star Wars story with EVERYTHING: Jabba, Boba, Wicket, Rebo, Salacious Crumb, Nien Nunb, "It's a trap," Luke doing a flip and catching his lightsaber, speeder bikes, Yoda, Ghost Yoda, the Rancor, the Falcon, Wedge, Lando, Luke, Leia, han, Chewie, C-3PO,...
Acclaimed, New York Times bestselling author Tom Angleberger delivers a captivating retelling of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi like you've never experienced before, infusing the iconic, classic tale of good versus evil with a unique perspective and narrative style...