Kaiwuan is a loving little boy who experiences childhood under the watchful eyes of his
parents and grandparents. He loves playing sports and enjoying the game of basketball
with his dad, and they bond over their love of the court. He admires his father's
consistency on the court, and aspires to be as good as him one day. He loves being with
his mother because she provides for him and makes sure that he has all the love she can
offer in the form of kisses and tutoring. He admires her intellect and aspires to be as smart
as her one day. Finally, Kaiwuan acknowledges the important role his grandparents play in
his life. They love spending time with him and make him his favorite foods. They also tell
him awesome stories He aspires to be as kind as they are one day.
Kaiwuan doesn't understand why his family insists that he become a better version of who
they are when he says he "aspires to be like them". He doesn't understand why until he
has a mature conversation with his parents who overhear a prayer he makes one night.
They gently remind him that they too have made mistakes in their lives or didn't put
enough practice at skills they loved. They hope Kaiwuan will learn from their mistakes and
be careful not to make the same ones, so that he can be a better version of who they are.
He finally realizes his family just wants him to be the best Kaiwuan he can be