Author Joan Wilson intersperses her personal experiences of growing up on an isolated farm with the fictional tale of Bert's adventures. Bert, a beloved black dog with a caring and sensitive nature, narrates his own poignant story. Bert's story begins with his loving canine parents and his playmate, Ben. But too soon, Bert's life is turned upside down when a human family with mischievous children adopts him. Banished to living outdoors and experiencing a devastating surgery that silences his doggy voice, Bert enters a deep depression. At his lowest point, Bert dreams of a heart-to-heart conversation with his beloved mother. In his dream, his mother tells him that his loving spirit will help him overcome the selfishness and ignorance of the world around him. Inspired, Bert continues on with his mission to bring happiness to the world and determinedly wags his tail to communicate.
Bert, A Story All About Me will teach readers of all ages about the unconditional love animals can bring to their lives, and how love can make them joyful and whole.