Benny, a sports-obsessed, carefree kid, is convinced that he can take on the world-until he spends the summer living with his grandfather and meets resident tomboy and all-around tough-girl Babe Meara. Benny may be a wise guy, but Babe is at least three steps ahead of him. And...
Benny, a sports-obsessed, carefree kid, is convinced that he can take on the world—until he spends the summer living with his grandfather and meets resident tomboy and all-around tough-girl Babe Meara. Benny may be a wise guy, but Babe is at least three steps ahead of him. And...
Sequel to the No. 1 Bestseller Benny & Omar Benny, the sports-mad, carefree lad whose adventures in Tunisia have convinced him that he can take on the world, suffers a severe blow to his pride when he meets Babe. He may be a wise guy, but she is at least three steps ahead of...