In Hermann Hesse's Beneath the Wheel , Hans Giebernath lives among the dull and respectable townsfolk of a sleepy Black Forest village. When he is discovered to be an exceptionally gifted student, the entire community presses him onto a path of serious scholarship. Hans dutifully...
Hermann Hesse's "Beneath the Wheel" is a thought-provoking and moving coming-of-age tale about academic pressures and an attempt for uniqueness in a conformist society. The novel is set in a strict early twentieth-century German boarding school and follows the lives of Hans...
Hans Giebenrath lives in a sleepy Black Forest village not in the habit of producing prodigies. When the local community discovers that he is beyond doubt a gifted child, they map his future out for him. Pressed toward a path of serious scholarship, Hans is successful in the...
Unterm Rad ist eine Erz hlung von Hermann Hesse, die 1906 erschien. Urspr nglich wurde sie von Hermann Hesse als Roman bezeichnet. In Unterm Rad wird das Schicksal eines begabten Jugendlichen erz hlt, der an einer ihn einseitig fordernden P dagogik, aber auch an sich selbst scheitert...
Hermann Hesse's "Beneath the Wheel" is a thought-provoking and moving coming-of-age tale about academic pressures and an attempt for uniqueness in a conformist society. The novel is set in a strict early twentieth-century German boarding school and follows the lives of Hans...
Bajo las ruedas (tambi n traducido como Bajo la rueda) es la segunda novela del Premio Nobel alem n Herman Hesse, publicada en 1906. Narra la historia de Hans Giebenrath, ni o prodigio capaz de obtener las mejores calificaciones en todo y que es admitido en un seminario de alto...
The Prodigy, originally dating from 1905, is Hermann Hesses's bitter indictment of conventional education. It is the story of Hans Giebenrath, the brilliant young son of provincial bourgeouis in southern Germany who becomes the first boy from his town to pass into a prestigious...
Unterm Rad ist eine Erz hlung von Hermann Hesse, die 1906 erschien. Urspr nglich wurde sie von Hermann Hesse als Roman bezeichnet. In Unterm Rad wird das Schicksal eines begabten Jugendlichen erz hlt, der an einer ihn einseitig fordernden P dagogik, aber auch an sich selbst scheitert...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...
Hans Giebernath lives among the dull and respectable townsfolk of a sleepy Black Forest village. When he is discovered to be an exceptionally gifted student, the entire community presses him onto a path of serious scholarship. Hans dutifully follows the regimen of study and endless...