Maupassant's second novel, Bel-Ami (1885) is the story of a ruthlessly ambitious young man (Georges Duroy, christened "Bel-Ami" by his female admirers) making it to the top in fin-de-sihcle Paris. It is a novel about money, sex, and power, set against the background of the politics...
Young, attractive and very ambitious, George Duroy, known to his friends as Bel-Ami, is offered a job as a journalist on La Vie francaise and soon makes a great success of his new career. But he also comes face to face with the realities of the corrupt society in which he lives...
The story chronicles Georges Duroy's corrupt rise to power from a poor ex-NCO non-commissioned officer) to one of the most successful men in Paris, most of which he achieves by manipulating a series of powerful, intelligent, and wealthy mistresses. The...
Bel-Ami est un roman r aliste de Guy de Maupassant publi en 1885 sous forme de feuilleton dans Gil Blas et dont l'action se d roule Paris au xixe si cle, en pleine R volution industrielle. Ce roman retrace l'ascension sociale de Georges Duroy, homme ambitieux et s ducteur...
Henry-Ren -Albert-Guy de Maupassant est un crivain et journaliste litt raire fran ais n le 5 ao t 1850 au ch teau de Miromesnil Tourville-sur-Arques (Seine-Inf rieure) et mort le 6 juillet 1893 Paris.Li Gustave Flaubert et mile Zola, Maupassant a marqu la litt rature...
Henry-Ren -Albert-Guy de Maupassant est un crivain et journaliste litt raire fran ais n le 5 ao t 1850 au ch teau de Miromesnil Tourville-sur-Arques (Seine-Inf rieure) et mort le 6 juillet 1893 Paris. Li Gustave Flaubert et mile Zola, Guy de Maupassant a marqu la...
Guy de Maupassant, one of the 19th century's most admired French writers, is considered to be one of the fathers of the modern short story. Maupassant's stories are characterized by their wealth of style, clever plotting and effortless resolutions. Many of his stories are...
Le roman retrace l'ascension sociale de Georges Duroy (ou Georges Du Roy de Cantel), homme ambitieux et s ducteur sans scrupules (arriviste et opportuniste), employ au bureau des chemins de fer du Nord, parvenu au sommet de la pyramide sociale parisienne gr ce ses ma tresses...
Georges Duroy, jeune homme arrogant et s ducteur au physique avantageux, se trouve presque au plus bas de l' chelle sociale. Ses retrouvailles avec Forestier, un vieil ami de garnison, marqueront le d but de sa nouvelle vie. L'ascension passionnante de ce "Bel-Ami" qui avec...
Maupassant's second novel, Bel-Ami (1885) is the story of a ruthlessly ambitious young man (Georges Duroy, christened "Bel-Ami" by his female admirers) making it to the top in fin-de-sihcle Paris. It is a novel about money, sex, and power, set against the background of the politics...
Georges Duroy grew up a peasant, but now has the opportunity to rise to the upper-middle class. After spending three years in the military, Duroy starts a career as a journalist, making connections with politicians who provide him with confidential information...