Build a Christ-Centered Love that Lasts At a time when more people are delaying marriage or writing it off altogether, couples ready to walk the aisle will appreciate a frank and trusted resources to help them start marriage on the right foot. This interactive...
Build a Love that Lasts At a time when more people are delaying marriage or writing it off altogether, those ready to walk the aisle will appreciate a frank and trusted resource to help them start marriage on the right foot. This interactive guide will help...
Nueva edici?n revisada y actualizada! Comienza a construir un amor centrado en Cristo En tiempos donde mas personas retrasan el matrimonio o lo descartan por completo, las parejas que est?n listas para subir al altar apreciar?n consejos y recursos...
Open Your Heart to Build a Lasting Love Before you tie the knot, make sure the rope is strong. Let these insightful and inspiring devotions minister to your heart as you begin to develop a daily of spending time with God daily. Bestselling author and counselor...