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Teen & Young AdultThis book, brilliantly written, tells of a true American tragedy. Maureen Faulkner is a heroine and has weathered the lunacy of those that support Danny Faulkner's killer with grace and dignity. Only in this great country of ours would a cold blooded killer be given all the opportunities he has to acquit himself, continue to fail miserably at it and become a celebrity in the process. The book clearly and concisely outlines...
One of the critics of this book wrote that this was "almost as if the book was the closing statement of a trial." That's actually pretty true, and why not? Mumia had his day in court many times over, and he has repeatedly lost. He murdered Mr. Faulkner, that is already established fact. Why should the widow attempt to prove something that has already been proven? What a horrible thing Mrs. Faulkner has been forced to...
I suggest that anyone - especially reviewers and interviewers - actually read this book before writing about "not knowing what actually happened" on the night Officer Danny Faulkner was murdered. Also a must read for every one of the Hollywood supporters listed in the book. The facts are here. Please read this.
After years of one-sided diatribes from Wesley Cook's apologists and the agenda-driven bias of the anti-death penalty left, it is good to finally see the victim's side of the story told. "Murdered by Mumia" is a well-written recounting of the cold-blooded murder of Philadelphia police officer Danny Faulkner at the hands of social activist and self-styled journalist Wesley Cook, aka Mumia Abu-Jamal. It is also a very poignant...
Daniel Faulkner was a hard-working American police officer gunned down in cold blood by killer Mumia Abu-Jamal. For years we have been told by leftists that Mumia was innocent. Yet every piece of evidence in the case points to the fact that Mumia gunned down Daniel Faulkner. Leftists have done their best to lie and distort the facts and evidence, but this book clears up the truth once and for all. Five stars for a great book...