The use of honey, propolis and bee venom helps in many conditions caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi either by destroying them or by stimulating our immune system.
The author has collected the practices that have worked well in his four decades of experience as a beekeeper and self-healer for bacterial and viral infections like influenza, colds, gastric ulcers, reflux, insomnia, injuries, burns. This is a second updated edition with 40 pages more content including the instruction for a massage technique with bee venom cream, + an interview with a leading apitherapist.
"The title of this book may be provoking - writes the author in the introduction - but there is valid scientific proof in vivo that the compound of bee venom, called melittin can destroy the HIV-virus, Hepatitis-B- and C viruses and it can kill tumor cells."
You'll learn from the book:
Why the smart and regular consumption of honey is the best choice for protecting the balance of gut microbiota ecosystem, reducing high cholesterol levels, in some cases also obesity, getting rid of insomnia, improving blood sugar levels and improving our immune system;
How to use propolis as a powerful remedy for fighting bacterial. fungal and viral infections like gastric ulcers, influenza, colds etc.
How to prepare simple honey and propolis recipes/healthy and delicious substitutes for chocolates, sweets and soft drinks.
Why bee venom is a viable consideration for those suffering from long-lasting and chronic conditions like Lyme-disease, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, other autoimmune diseases, aggravated influenza if controlled by an expert.
Why some medical doctors propose bee venom and propolis in the recent pandemic for persons at highest risk. You'll read about the science behind this suggestion.
The author also describes how he keeps bees - besides in his apiary - in an observation hive that he uses for educational purposes and for self-healing.
A truly excellent book that you should have in your library! - Dr. Stefan Stangaciu, MD, General Secretary of the International Federation of Apitherapy
This book provides insight into natural alternatives to medication that are right in our kitchen. It gives easy to follow advice for how to use bee products to stay health and get well faster when we are ill and shares many of the author's own personal experiences. - Jennifer Tusz, Teacher (M.A.) DEAK F
Bees Help Fight Viruses is a needed book that contains the key to ending the cycle of infections that ruins many of our lives. A simple alternative medicine that works! And by the way It's a good read! - Eve Bakos-Neurodevelopmental-Therapies
I've been susceptible to flus and colds for my entire life. And then I met Mihaly: he taught me how to use propolis and honey in my home pharmacy. He also showed me how to take some hygienic measures I've never heard before. He gave me back control over this issue that has plagued my life. - Andrea Kaufmann, Chief Content Officer, lingua-W
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