Whether you are a beginner beekeeper with a single apiary, or a seasoned professional with a large colony in your care, maintenance of your hives is crucial to the health of your colony, and is a legal requirement in many states and countries. By keeping a strict record of your hives, you will be able to more quickly diagnose any problems, and efficiently take any actions that may be required. This beekeeping journal contains all the relevant requirements for keeping a legal and healthy colony, and will speed up the administrative processes involved in beekeeping.
This beekeeping logbook contains the following input sections, with each log contained on a single page:
Date, time, yard, colony name or number, and hive number
Population level
Brood pattern
Capped brood
Queen cup / cells
Stored pollen / nectar
Honey harvested
Honey supers added
Honey stored in broods
Feeding ratio
Mite check
Actions taken
Further action required
10 pages of blank lined notes at the end of the book
Book features:
8.5 x 11 inch
Soft cover (Note: The print design on the cover is not the material of the book - this is a paperback book)
Printed on white paper
120 pages (10 Pages notes, 110 logbook)
1 log per page
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