This is a nice enough book to keep you interested until its very end. Cazekiel begins his manuscript by assuring us that not only Earth is hollow complete with an inner small sun but that all universal planets also are. This page-turner offers a number of motivating uplifting facts regarding human success rate in its inevitable ascension which reminds me of Patricia cori's channeled trilogy. Yet I don't agree with everything...
This is one of those books with a whole lot of information on a whole lot of subjects. Probably my favorite sections are on relationships (I am still working on the part about cleaning up my own act before asking for a partnership with a soulmate), followed closely by all the techniques at the end, on calling in the light, healing negativity and so on. Even if you have been in the 'new age' field for awhile, you can still...
James Gilliland has been a guest on my live radio show a number of times. His vast knowledge, wisdom and love for humanity and his healing way of delivery has made him a favorite among my listeners. I love his books and they both (Becoming Gods II as well) sell extremely well right after I have him on the air. SHINE - KNRY AM 1240 and KIEZ AM540 in Monterey, Ca.