When it comes to open our eyes nothing escapes the scrutiny of this person called Cazekiel. This is a breathtaking channeled book by an advanced being emotionally connected to James Gilliland, most probably his future self. This positive publication is strong, powerful; and hit the target with absolute accuracy, and amazing grace. This is one of the best books on new age, metaphysics, the ascension thing, and the truth...
At first I was skeptical about a channeled book. It was slow reading in the beginning for me. Then about half way I started reading information about our history, which prompted me towardsa better history curriculum for my children. I realized that many things he had said was true, some shockingly so, and backed up by decent researchers in other areas. We are constantly not told many things about our origins, history and...
This book and the first one in the series contain alot of information that is fascinating, foreboding, and much of it probably hard to swallow for many. I loved reading it, and I was a little uncertain of what to make of some of it. If you don't mind being introduced into a completely alternative version of earth history and involvement in the universe, then there's lots of wonderfull spiritual teachings you will be able to...
I'm not going to swallow it all, but I think Becoming God II is an interesting cult classic. It is however the stuff that should stay on AM radios, being played late at night.....