If courage were a sea creature, what would it be?
When might artificial intelligence need to show some nerve?
If your toys came to life tonight, who would be the greatest hero?
How many different measuring tools could you use to measure your worst fear?
Discover your own unique answers to these questions and dozens more
Within these pages, students will
Dive deep into an investigation of the concept, connotation, and meaning of the word courageous Engage with current, global social and environmental initiatives including Fairtrade and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Reflect regularly to learn from their intimidations and boost their successes"... helping children find their inner hero... through a variety of cognitive and emotional nudges that move a learner through and beyond levels of comfort.... Leafing through the richly illustrated ten chapers of the workbook made me want to stop, pick up a pencil, and engage--the design and content are certainly inviting "
Usha Raman, Editor, Teacher Plus
...an exploration of a single character trait within the context of 7 major subject areas, 32 sub-strands, 9 multiple intelligences, and 10 reflection opportunities. After such a deep submersion into one characteristic, students can only resurface... even more courageous "
Andreas Koini, Head of Antwerp International School Belgium