Becoming an ECE - 101 Reasons Why I Love My Job is a book about why it was vital for me to work in an industry that acknowledges the importance of the formative years of children. My book attempts to inspire further generations of Early Childhood Educators and express my gratitude to those already working effortlessly in this profession-a profession that can easily be misunderstood or even overlooked. After all, not everybody can look after children.
Let me tell you, an ECE is more than just a child care provider. We take care of a child's academic and developmental progress. We wish nothing more than to see a child succeed and lay the foundation for successful adulthood. My wish is to inspire those who are still thinking about becoming an ECE and encourage those who might have temporarily lost sight of why we do what we do. By teaching young children, we become ambassadors for those who have no voice yet. We make sure that children are heard and receive the training they need.
As an ECE, you do not just change a child's life with your tireless work, but you change a whole generation.
This book is full of photographs, stunning illustrations, and notes about my journey as an ECE. With my personal experience written in beautiful lines, this book was made to make its readers smile & discover their love and joy for the field too