What type of royal are you? You are called royalty.
"9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." (1 Peter 2:9 RSV)
The Bible is full of royal figures. Each royal family had its style of establishing royalty in their respective dynasties. For example, the royalty of King Saul was more reserved than the royalty of King David. King David was a descendant of Judah, a son of Leah. King Saul was a descendant of Benjamin, a son of Rachel. One of the characteristics of the tribe of Judah was that it was known for taking responsibility. Judah took responsibility for the tribe of Benjamin. This royal characteristic of taking responsibility was carried through future generations between Judah and Benjamin. In Israel, kings descended from Leah and Rachel's descendants, who were the primary wives of Jacob. Each house of royalty had its unique protocols. Jesus descended through the royal bloodline of Judah. You will gain a greater appreciation of Jesus' sacrifice as you understand the royalty in His bloodline.
In American culture, we are not exposed to royalty, which puts us at a disadvantage when we study the Bible. However, the Bible is filled with royal concepts and protocols. God as the King of kings and the Lord of lords is the most royal of all, and we are His subjects if we choose to be so. We are called to be part of His kingdom. To understand the more profound concepts in the Bible, you need an appreciation of royalty. Both Isaiah and Ezekiel were prophets in the Hebrew Scriptures, and they had different perceptions of royalty. They had the same vision of the heavenly chariots, but each prophet described the vision differently. This is because Isaiah dwelled in the kingdom's capital, and he saw the king, the royal carriage, the royal guard, the royal palace, and all the protocol of the kingdom.
In contrast, Ezekiel was like a distant villager who was not accustomed to royalty. When he received the royal vision of the heavenly chariots, he described it in much more detail than Isaiah. This is because it was a unique experience for him. In contrast, experiencing royalty was an everyday occurrence for Isaiah, and he did not elaborate on the royal vision with as much detail.
In this book, I will expose you to some of the meticulous details and insights into the protocols of the royals because they are uncommon for us. My goal is to teach you about precepts of royalty embedded in God's Word. As you learn about royalty, you will discover the majesty that is in your soul. You are a child of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. As a child of the King, you are grafted into the bloodline of royalty through the Blood of Jesus.
Allow me to take you on a journey to becoming a royal. I also invite you to read my other books, 1) The Final Countdown: Your Journey in the Symphony of Creation, 2) Earth, Wind, Fire, & A Still Small Voice: How to Hear the Voice of God, and 3) Man in the Mirror: Creating a More Authentic Version of You.