I had gotten this book from the library about 6 years ago. After running it through the paces of a computer program, I did find that his systems do work. The systems are based on what goes up, must come down. Well, in real life, that is not always true, at least in your bankrolls time frame. You must use money management. Also, I have found that you MUST run several progressions at the same time. It helps you ride out...
The systems really work, that's why I gave it 5 stars, but it's too full of syrup to be a really enjoyable read.
People who love the Lord will like this one very much. Atheists will despise it deeply. On the surface it appears to be a collection of mathematical gambling systems, but in his discussion of the phenomenon of luck, he gets into the role of the Almighty, and turns it into a treatise on the spiritual evolution of the human race. An unusual book, notable for its very great integrity. A fun book to read.