He spent years in the company of cut-throat, unthinking rabble and brilliant men like William Dampier and Dr. Lionel Wafer whom circumstance had brought into the fold of the buccaneer brotherhood.
Basil Ringrose was a talented navigator, reliable journal-keeper, well-read travel-adventure author, crude cartographer and inveterate pirate. He was a notable character with the soul of a sea wolf, living wild and free, helping to define the nature of life at the cross-roads of the golden ages of sail and piracy.
Be prepared for a fascinating first-hand glimpse into the pirating and sailing life of the 1600s.
Search Amazon for "tomes maritime dampier" and discover: THE DAMPIER COLLECTION
Vol. 1. A New Voyage Round the World by William Dampier
Vol. 2. Supplement of the Voyage Round the World by William Dampier
Vol. 3. Two Voyages to Campeachy by William Dampier
Vol. 4. A Discourse of Winds by William Dampier
Vol. 5. A Voyage to New Holland by William Dampier
Vol. 6. A Continuation of a Voyage to New Holland by William Dampier
Vol. 7. The Adventures of William Dampier: Being William Dampier's Unpublished Journal (Sloan MS. 3236) by William Dampier
Vol. 8. William Dampier's Atlas &c. A Collection of Maps. A Glossary. A Catalog of Old and New Place Names. Dampier's Who's Who. A Brisk Biography.
Vol. 9. A Booty of Words. A Dictionary Devoted to the Linguistic Treasure Contributed to the English Language by the Pirate William Dampier
Vol. 10. Wafer's New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of Darien by Lionel Wafer
Vol. 11. Cowley's Voyage Round the Globe by William Ambrosia Cowley
Vol. 12. Baz Ringrose's Journal Into the South Seas by Basil Ringrose
Vol. 13 William Dick's South Sea Voyage by William Dick (aka William Williams)
Vol. 14. Captain Sharp's Journey Over the Isthmus of Darien and Expedition Into the South Seas by Bartholomew Sharp
Vol. 15. The Voyage and Adventures of Bartholomew Sharp and Others in the South Seas by Anonymous
Vol. 16. Funnell's A Voyage Round the World. Containing an Account of Captain Dampier's Expedition Into the South-Seas in the Ship St George, In the Years 1703 and 1704 by William Funnell. Includes: William Dampier's Vindication by William Dampier
Vol. 17. Woodes Rogers' Cruising Voyage Round the World by Woodes Rogers
Vol. 18. Woodes Rogers' Life Aboard a British Privateer by Woodes Rogers
Vol. 19. Edward Cooke's A Voyage to the South Seas and Round the World by Captain Edward Cooke
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