Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023 Confidently Perform Accurate, Efficient, and Effective Physical Examinations.
Master the techniques for successful physical examinations with the #1 choice for complete, authoritative guidance. This...
Perform an accurate, efficient, and effective physical examination with confidence. Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking provides authoritative, step-by-step guidance on performing the patient interview and physical examination, applying...
Provides the foundation for performing physical examination and taking the patient history. This book features a full-color design with over 1,400 drawings and photographs and a clear, simple two-column format with examination techniques on the left and abnormalities and interpretations...
Desde hace m s de cuatro d cadas, Bates. Gu a de exploraci n f sica e historia cl nica se ha posicionado como uno de los referentes cl sicos de la proped utica cl nica moderna. Su enfoque basado en el razonamiento cl nico, en la toma compartida de decisiones y en la comprensi...