What are the best gifts you have ever received?
Follow the adventure of an eight-year-old boy as he prepares for his baptism and confirmation in Christ's church. He discovers the "Best Gifts" and learns why they are essential. He also receives the gift of the Holy Ghost. Even at the young age of eight, he witnesses spiritual truths and experiences God's love.Baptism in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a sacred event. Age eight is considered the age of accountability. These little members are well prepared and eager to make covenants with Jesus Christ, as shown in this true story.
Do you know how the Gift of the Holy Ghost works? You are invited to write your baptism story in the book's second half and see how the spirit of God can work in your life.
If you enjoy books by Mo Williams, John Bytheway, Sheri Dew, and Jeni Brinton Gochnour you will enjoy revisiting the baptismal doctrine through this child's eyes. Order yours now This book is a perfect gift for anyone contemplating or looking back at their baptism.